martedì 29 gennaio 2013

Let's fill the world with Skies of Arcadia!

Because you should know that I LOVE Skies of Arcadia, even if I played only Legends for Gamecube (unfortunately I don't have a Dreamcast). You don't know this game? Well, just google It or look on the internet, I mean we are in 2013 don't be lazy! :P
For graphic design class we had to create our own book, design, text, everything, so I decided to make a fanbook. I actually drew a short doujinshi (comic) for the Skies Of Arcadia Legends 10th anniversary Fanbook sold at Comic Market last winter.

Front and cack cover
I decided to put the short comic inside the book, I wrote also a review, kind of a game description with all my opinions concerning the game. The most difficult part was actually write everything in japanese... well dictionary and internet helped me a lot^^

inside the book
I'm so glad I finish everything before the deadline...
If you have time and if you like RPG you should-no wait, YOU HAD TO play this game! Atmosphere, Story, Characters, setting, everything is just so amazing^^

Talking about games, I have recently bought a Ps3!
Tadaaaaan is Nino Kuni Special Edition!

Nyanko sensei not included
First thing I have done is... BUY JOURNEY. That's not a game, that's art! If you have a Ps3 you should buy It as well... BUY IT NOW.
Then I just try to play a psone game I bought the same day...
It works!!!
FFIX is another one of my favourite games. I like the cheerful world, and the funny characters in the game. Really unique in Its stlye, one of my fav FF with VI.
Playing the japanese version make me remember all the good memories I had when I played It many years ago^^

2 commenti:

  1. Skies of Arcadia è quel gioco che vorrei da tempi immemori e che tristemente non riesco a recuperare, comunque complimenti per il fanbook!

    La PS3 di Ni No Kuni è...è...è spettacolare! ;__; *senza parole*

    ( prima che me ne dimentico: grazie per avermi aggiunta su MAL!)

    ( prima che me ne dimentico 2: お誕生日おめでとう~ u_u )

    1. Grazie! Arcadia è da recuperare!Assolutamente :)
      E grazie ancora per gli auguri^^
