So at the end of October my university had the school festival!
If you had watched anime, dorama or read manga, you will probably know about school festival.
It is known as a national event called Japanese Cultural Festival 文化祭 (bunkasai) or 学園祭 (gakuensai), two different words with basically the same meaning.
It was the first time for me to actually take part at something like that (last year I went only to see a friend's school). Well, I must say that I love the atmosphere about It, most of the students are damn serious about the festival! The school staff, the students even the teachers help with the preparations, and the day before and after the festival there is no class. I mean, wow! Back to my highschool we had something like that, called "open day" for people that wanted to see our school. At elementary school I have done something fun, but during middle high and high school we have done pratically nothing (in Japan seems to be the complete opposite). In my high school just a few people were serious about it, and thinking about taking one day, or just one afternoon for arrangements was something crazy.
we sell postcards and pins with our 3DCG club's characters! Then one of my senpai was playing the old Mother on the pocket famicon, it instantly got my attention lol |
The festival was full of events. We had a japanese speech contest for exchage students like me. I created a small animation video for my chinese friends that were taking part in It, and one of them actually won the second place, cool! Then we had cosplay contest and photoshop-illustrator explanations and tutorials done by one of my senpai.
Since I've joined the 3DCG club, I stayed in the room for the 2 days of the festival and help with things. We also showed our short movies during the festival.
I created my short movie in like 1 month and half, 4 weeks for animation and the rest for modelling... I just realized that working on 3DCG is to damn hard, especially if you are alone.
Man, lighting is so baaaaad rofl And everytime I moved the cat I had all sort of problems lol
Next time I'm gonna work with other 2 friends from the 3DCG club, and we are going to make a short clip for a contest next year, gonna do my best!
Right now I'm creating another cat, a knight cat for my 3DCG class, I have just discovere mudbox and MAN I LOVE IT. I have loved 3DCG since i was a kid watching the CG cutscenes in videogames like FFIX (I will never forget the opening and the opera scene), but I like hand drawing animation as well.
I'm studying 2D animation too, It's difficult as hell but I love It... and that's also because of my teacher, she is amazing and really LOVES her work. Even if the pay is low, the work hard, LONG, and she usually doesn't sleep for 2 days, she keep doing It because she likes animation, and she is proud of that. Even when she was young and animation studios said "we don't take women because they will get married someday" she kept her dream and realized It, she didn't give up. I really admire, respect her.. and all the good animators around the world.
Aaahh, but someday I will have to choose between anime and 3DCG.. T_T
Well, now I go back to work, I'm way too busy.. lately I have done also a short comic for a Skies of Arcadia 10th anniversary anthology (It's an old game for dreamcast and remake for gamecube, one of my favourite games EVER) because the founder of the project asked me, It will be sold at comiket this winter^^
So, see you next post for updates ;)
Yeeeh, un nuovo post!
RispondiEliminaDopo anni di anime un vero festival culturale dev'essere una bella emozione.
Mi fa piacere vedere che porti avanti tanti bei progetti, continua così che sei grande!
E sappi che faccio il tifo per l'animazione tradizionale. XD
P.S: le possibilità di beccarsi in un qualche tipo di chat sono molto remote?
Uso spesso Twitter e Skype come chat^^
EliminaAnche a me piace l' animazione tradizionale, ma non c'è troppo lavoro e quello che c'è è pesantissimo, la paga è bassa, e gli studi di produzione sono poco disponibili ad assumere stranieri (aka, gente non giapponese/asiatica). Disney in America sarebbe un' alternativa ma ormai anche lì punta più sulla computer grafica!
Dura la vita degli animatori...
EliminaMa conoscendoti un pochino so che niente può farti desistere, quando ti metti una cosa in testa.
Ho inviato la richiesta su Skype, sperando sia tu.
mi sa che hai cercato il nome sbagliato, perchè non ho nessuna richiesta! :/ trovi il mio indirizzo email nel profilo di blogger comunque, scrivimi lì...!
EliminaMi è piaciuto il proseguimento del Fat Kitty, chissà quando riuscirà a mangiare quei croccantini XD, l'idea comunque è veramente carina!
RispondiEliminaIl festival dev'esser stato spettacolare, peccato che in Italia non usino, da me addirittura non hanno mai fatto neanche l"open day" perchè considerato una perdita di tempo.
Sì contando che l' ho fatto tipo due settimane prima del festival DA SOLA xD E' stato davvero duro...
EliminaConcordo per quello che dici...Da noi un minimo di organizzazione c'era (forse perchè era una scuola privata non so), mi ricordo di aver fatto le crepes nel laboratorio di chimica... E tutti venivano venivano solo per scroccare crepes gratis lol