lunedì 20 febbraio 2012

Drawing snow leopards

Since last year, I've been quite interested in snow leopards. Why? Well, first of all because I love cats and felines. Also, I like the fact that a snow leopard (also called panthera uncia) is really secretive, solitary and well camouflaged by Its own habitat. Afer a little research on the web, not only about this animal, but also regarding legends and myths , I have found this program called "Snow Leopard Beyond the Myth" by BBC.  When I was little I didn't know such animal actually exists, and of course I have never seen this kind of program before. In fact this is the ONLY good documentary that I could found regarding snow leopards. Their life, the place where they lives, everything reminds of a legend. This feline sure is mysterious.
As an interesting animal, I tried to draw It. I usually take inspiration/reference from photos.

Drawing process, click for bigger size
As you see, It's only a mere sketch and nothing more. I have started with the base lineart for the body, and then I have drawn the fur and stuff. I think animal anatomy (or general anatomy) It's quite difficult, but snow leopard's anatomy is even more difficult because of Its thick fur. This was the reference for the sketch.

In the future I'd like to create a comic (or somenthing similar) with this amazing creature as one of the characters. In fact I already have a story on my mind, characters, setting, and everything, but with my actuall drawing skills I think I won't be able to create a good work. Of course I have tried to draw a page, but I didn't really like it, so that's why I'm practicing with sketches and simple drawings :)
I've done other drawings, and probably this is the best I have done so far

Done with watercolor

giovedì 16 febbraio 2012

Benvenuti! Welcome! ようこそ!

Salve! Userò questo blog principalmente per postare disegni, sketch, ma chissà.. magari anche per altre robe "random". Non sono molto brava a scrivere, quindi è molto probabile che ci saranno più immagini che parole  (*´∇`*) Bè facciamo un minimo di introduzione: ho 20 anni e adoro il disegno. Studio giapponese da un pò, ad Aprile inizierò l' università a Tokyo. Mi piacerebbe molto diventare character designer, inventare personaggi e storie per videogiochi o film di animazione. Le persone che mi hanno ispirato nel settore (e non solo) sono Miyazaki, Takahata, tutto lo staff Ghibli, Makoto Shinkai, Miyamoto, Sakaguchi, Charles M. Schulz, Midorikawa Yuki, Makoto Yukimura, Ursula Le Guin, Lucrezio, Epicuro, Seneca, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, artisti del web come Yuumei, Juby, Demitasse-lover e tantissimi altri...
Il nome del blog riprende Night on the Galactic Railroad (銀河鉄道の夜 Ginga Tetsudō no Yoru)  di Kenji Miyazawa, un classico della letteratura giapponese. In verità non ho ancora letto il libro per intero (solo l' inizio) ma l' ho trovato molto interessante. C'è anche un cartone animato se vi interessa.
Spero di aggiornare in modo costante, anche se non sarà facile, argh!

Hello!  I will use this blog as a sort of "art blog", full of drawings, sketches and other random stuff from my daily life. My favourite artists and inspirators are Miyazaki, Takahata, Ghibli's staff, Makoto Shinkai, Miyamoto, Itoi, Sakaguchi, Charles M. Schulz, Midorikawa Yuki, Makoto Yukimura, Ursula Le Guin, Lucrezio, Epicuro, Seneca, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, web artists as Yuumei, Juby, Demitasse-lover and others. Anyway, in April I will start University in Japan, so maybe I will try to write something interesting here... even if I think I will be quite busy with school and stuff. Usually I post only in Italian, but If I have time, I'd like to translate part of my posts in english and japanese. My english isn't perfect and of course I will make some mistakes.. sorry!^^"
Also, the name of the blog is Night on the Galactic Railroad (銀河鉄道の夜 Ginga Tetsudō no Yoru), a classic Japanese novel by Kenji Miyazawa. I'd really like to read this novel, because I've started watching the anime sometimes ago and I have found It pretty interesting.
Please enjoy and keep following (^▽^)/

皆さん、こんにちは!これが私のブロッグで、描いた絵の説明や、日常や、色んな事などを書くつもりです。ブロッグの名前は『Night on the Galactic Railroad』 (銀河鉄道の夜) 、宮沢賢治の童話作品と同じ名前です。4月から東京で大学を始めるし、毎日日本語の勉強をがんばります。普通このブロッグはイタリア語だけですけど、時間があれば日本語にする。じゃあ、私のブロッグをフォローラしてください。\(^▽^)/